Our Inspirations things which are captured in our visual inventory Hotel | hotel Chedi Eingangshalle Lobby | entrance lobby areabei | by Kerry Hill Architects Museum | museum in Kanazawa, JapanBeton, Glas | concrete,glassbei | by SAANA Architects Schloss in Kanazawa | Kanazawa castle steinerne Treppenanlage | stone staircase Japan Texturen | japanese textures Haus Rauch | house RauchStampflehmbau | rammed earth bei | by Martin Rauch Museum | museumBeton, Glas | concrete,glassbei | by SAANA Architects Japanisches Speicherhaus | japanese storage houseSteintexturen | stone texturesJapan Texturen | japanese textures Japanisches Teehaus | japanese tea houseBodentexturen | floor texturesJapan Texturen Hotel | hotel Chedi Eingangshalle Lobby | entrance lobby areabei | by Kerry Hill Architects Farbpigmente und Plattenmuster | color pigments and tile samplesStudio Mumbaiunsere Inspirationen | our inspirations DSCN2480 Hotel | hotel Chedi Holzfassade | wooden lattice facadebei | by Kerry Hill Architects Museum | museum in Kanazawa, Japanfarbiges Glas | colored glassFarben | colors Holzverbindung | timber jointJapanisches Verbindung | japanese joint Hotel | hotel Chedi Holzschirm | wooden screenbei | by Kerry Hill Architects Fliegende Fische | flying fishesjapanische Tradition | japanese traditionJapanische Kultur | japanese culture Kapelle | chappelStampflehmbau | rammed earth bei | by Martin Rauch Lagerhaus | storage housegespaltener Bambus | split bamboobei | by Chiangmailifeconstruction Tempel mit Bambus Garten | temple with bamboo gardensehr flexibles Material | very flexible materialBambus | bamboo to be continued…